1. Robberbank-robbers_0

What You Will Need:

Black or Striped Shirt

Black Pants

Black Shoes

Black Ski Hat

Tote Bag/Pillowcase With Black Dollar Sign

How To Make:

Don’t Draw! Print out a black dollar sign and tape onto the bag



2. Strawberry

What You Will Need:

Red Dress/Topdiy-strawberry-costume26-1

Green & White Felt/Construction Paper


Paper Cup

How To Make:

Cut tear drop shapes out of the white paper/felt and glue/tape onto dress/top

Cut Leaf shapes out of green felt/paper then glue onto the cup, covering all of its surface area then glue onto the headband



3. Two People Dancing Emoji

What You Will Need:

A Friendemojicostume

Black Leotard/Top & Pants

Black Shoes

Black Bunny Ears

How To Make:

Get a headband

Print out ears or cut out of black construction Paper

Glue to headband


4. Life

What You Will Need:

A Bag of Lemons


A Shirt You Can Write On

How To Make:

Write “LIFE” on the shirt



5. Brawny Man

What You Will Need:

A Roll of Paper Towels


A Flannel





6. Sushi

What You Will Need:

White Shirt/Dress

How To Make:

Print out two pages of salmon then cut out and glue on to 4e0472fba946f9e8d9fc706d35c6f341the shirt/dress

Tape/glue black construction paper/felt around the middle of the shirt/dress


7. Ghost

What You Will Need:

A White Sheet (that your parents will allow you to destroy)

How To Make:

Cut two holes, in the center of the sheet, slightly bigger than your

8.No Costume Found

What You Will Need:

A Shirt

How To Make:

Write on it “Error: No Costume Found”