7 secret tips to surviving the final weeks of school

Tara Machionne, Staff Writer

With summer around the corner the only talk is about summer vacations, concerts and other planned activities that fill the hallways of Westwood High School. Surviving the last weeks of school may seem nearly impossible, but let’s not forget never ending. At this point in the year everyone is drained out and the students are anxious for classes to finally end. It feels like June 23rd can’t come soon enough. Here is some few tips and tricks to get through the duration of the school year:


1)Do not mentally check out just yet.


Although it’s June, do not mentally check out of school before it actually ends. At this point in the year it may seem impractical to still do work and still make grades one of your major priorities, however, you will regret it if you don’t. Grades unfortunately have plenty of time to drop before the end of the year. Fourth marking period should be treated like any other marking period. Keep doing your work and staying on top of things!


2) Enjoy the weather


With summer quickly approaching, the weather is finally getting nice so make sure you take some time to enjoy it! Start to do more things outside, like swimming or going on a hike with friends. Or even try to start doing everyday tasks that are normally done inside outside instead. For example if you usually read, study or do homework in your room, try doing it in your backyard instead. Sometimes it can majorly improve your mood and allow the pressure of school work a lot more bearable.


3)Return library/ school books


If you’re one of those people that hoards everything and your bedroom, locker, car or any space for your belongings is a disaster, make sure you start to look for your library books somewhere in that mess. Chances are the only reason you took out that book was to help you with a research paper that was due months ago, so now bring it back. Nobody wants to be slammed with book fines on the last days of school especially if it’s a book you’re never going to open again. Another important reason to return these books is for others in your school. I’m sure a student taking the same class as you this year will feel grateful that they own a book to rely on throughout the school year.


4) Start cleaning out your lockers ahead of time.

Nobody wants to be that one person on June 23rd that looks ridiculous walking out of school with 4 bags stuffed with endless amounts of school supplies, water bottles, dirty gym clothes, and gym sneakers in your other hand because they didn’t fit in any of the bags. To avoid stress and clutter on the last day of school slowly start taking these things home. Also, make sure you take your hall lock and gym lock home. I would write the combination down on your notes in your phone or put it in a safe spot until first day of school. No one wants to be in the office on the first day of school next year, purchasing another lock for 5 dollars.


5) Follow the dress code.


When it’s 90 degrees out and even hotter in class following the dress code may seem nearly impossible. We get it, some classrooms are blazing hot by June, but chances are everyone else is just as hot as you are. There is no excuse as to why you can’t follow the dress code so you’re just going to have to bear with the heat these last two weeks. In my opinion, you should just evaluate yourself in the mirror before you leave to go to school, because getting called down to the office and having your parents drop clothes off is just a hassle.


6) Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!


This one may not seem like a given, but we’re talking about getting through the school year in this hot weather…so it’s a must. Constantly drinking water is very essential for your health, especially to help you get through this weather. Dehydration can be very scary and majorly affect how you’re feeling. You may start feeling, dizzy, weak and sluggish in class if you do not drink enough water throughout the day. Make sure to bring a water bottle to school everyday and don’t forget to stop at the filtered water fountain to refill it!


7) Cherish the time you have left.
Whether you still have 3 years or just a few weeks left at Westwood make sure to cherish every second you still have left. The classes that you dreaded will finally be over and you no longer have to worry about them. Remember to appreciate your favorite teachers this year; as much as you want summer to already be here, remember that next year is going to be different. Classmates, teachers, and schedules will all be brand new so take the time to slow it down and enjoy this year before it’s over.