A Survival Guide to the College Process

Larissa Lamarca, Senior Editor

The college process just ended for the 2017 graduating class, and the 2018 students are now well underway into this long, challenging process. As a surviving Senior, I outlined my pro tips to being successful and as stress free as possible during this process:


    1. Stay on track: It is easy to think that you have plenty of time, but this process goes by fast, so it is important to get as much work done when you can, so that nothing is rushed.
    2. Visit Campuses and show interest: The more schools you see, the easier it gets to decide what you want. If you are unable to visit all the schools you are interested in, research is very important. Start this early in the summer, so you can show the schools you do find, that you may possibly apply or consider going there.


  • Portray yourself well: When communicating to the school or visiting, remember to be mature, and sell yourself. You are interested in the school, but they might also be interested in you, so do not hesitate to ask “what can you give me over another college?”


    1. Thank your teachers for recommendations: It will help you more than you know to thank them and keep them updated on your activities or college process, so they know you care about what they have to say about you.
    2. Comfort food or other relaxation methods: This is a great way to sit back, take a moment to relax, and treat yourself during this stressful time. Don’t worry, we all go through stressful times and we all are stronger because of it!


  • Spend your time off wisely: During the summer you have a lot of time to spend on your college process. This could also mean getting a job, practicing your sport, interning, travelling, or doing other activities that will ultimately help you apply to schools.
  • Deadlines: Whether or not you go by the deadlines your counselors gave you, or one you set up for yourself, these are in place to keep you on track. Therefore, get your essay done over the summer before Senior year, ask for your recommendations now, and start looking at what you want from college.
  • Have fun: This is the start of an exciting time of year! As hard as it is, it will all be worth it in the end when you get to proudly represent a college you got yourself into, through all of your hard work.