The Waiting Game

A few words of advice from a fellow senior


Nicole Netzer, Editor

Senior year has probably been proven to be the most stressful year of high school. At first I did not agree. The beginning of the year came and I thought “Oh this is pretty easy, I just have to fill out my applications and keep a good GPA and I will be fine.” Boy, was I wrong.

Starting the year off, I did not have any problems sending in my applications or keeping my GPA up. The thing that is killing me the most is playing the waiting game. I sent in 10 college applications before Thanksgiving and I am still waiting. I have been accepted to a handful of schools but of course, I am still waiting to hear from my number one school. I am sure a lot of other students in my grade are in the same place as I am. What is more frustrating than not knowing? Probably nothing in my opinion.

Although there is not much I can do but hope I get in and wait it, is still frustrating. My advice to any senior who is still waiting to hear back from schools is to try to be patient. (I know it’s extremely hard). Reminding yourself that your applications are out of your control now is the best thing you can do. You will get accepted somewhere and you will be meant to go wherever you end up.

My advice to you on any other senior stress is to spend time with your friends, do things that make you happy and enjoy senior year. We are in the home stretch of high school careers. There is no better feeling then surviving senior year and I am starting to have faith that I will, and you will survive too.