Spring Spirit Week overview

April 20, 2015
This year’s Spring Spirit Week consisted of Preppy Day, College Day, Alzheimer’s Awareness Day, Class Color Day, and Cardinal Pride Day. Students supported each day by participating and making the school full of spirit.
Preppy Day kicked off the week with everyone showing off their khakis, boat shoes and colorful t-shirts. Monday wasn’t so gloomy because of all the colors that roamed through the halls.
On Tuesday, students dressed in college attire where they wore clothing from different colleges all over the United States, especially colleges that this year’s seniors will be attending in the fall. The seniors showed pride for their future colleges.
Awareness for Alzheimer’s was shown on Wednesday when students wore anything purple. From t-shirts to beaded necklaces students put on any purple that would get them points for the week and show awareness for Alzheimer’s.
Each class showed their own colors on Thursday: Seniors wore red, juniors wore blue, sophomores wore green, freshman wore yellow and eighth grade wore orange.
Lastly, Friday was Cardinal Pride Day. Cards showed their school spirit again by wearing anything red, white or black and things with the school mascot, the cardinal.