Week of Respect

Tara Macchione, Senior Editor


 This October, Westwood Junior/Senior High School students and staff participated in the Week of Respect. The Week of Respect is recognized statewide and members of the Westwood High School community are proud to be involved in it. Westwood wants to continue to provide a positive school environment in which all students feel welcomed. In doing so, The students in the Psychology Club, and Human Rights and Genocide class have been organizing activities for the Week Of Respect.

The Psychology Club made morning announcements, where members of the club talked about how to have respect for other students. Early in the morning on Monday, October 2, students came into school and stuck Post-It notes with words of encouragement on fellow students’ lockers. The Post-its were a variety of different colors, which was a great way to brighten up the hallway for the day. Some of these post-its read things like “Smile”, “Be Humble”, “You are Loved”. It was also a great way to brighten people’s day up in general; there is no better way to start a Monday morning.

Also on Monday, students and staff wore blue to school in support of Week of Respect. Students in the Human Rights and Genocide class are putting together a video for the week of respect, where they interviewed students and teachers on their feelings toward respect.

Respect is an important aspect of the Westwood High School Community. It is something that makes students here feel safe. Each and every person has their own idea of respect and what it means to them, but everyone wants and deserves to feel respected.