Harry Styles wants your nails in style

British pop star enters the beauty industry with the release of his new cosmetics brand

Grace Mohr, Staff Writer

Singer, songwriter, and actor, Harry Styles, has announced the release of his first beauty line, Pleasing, on November 15, 2021. The line currently consisting of four nail polish shades and two skin care products has been made available to order from “pleasing.com” on Monday morning. 

Fans seem to be surprised by the sudden announcement. Gillian Siccardi, a Styles supporter, states, “I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I saw a picture of nail polish tubes and the word ‘Pleasing’ above it. And tagged in the photo was a Harry Styles Headquarters account, I was shocked.” Styles’ promotion of the line has been through social media. Tiktok and Instagram accounts have been made to link the website where items are available for purchase. 

Siccardi further explains, “I was excited to hear about the products, but I am slightly disappointed. There is a poor range of polish colors, and the price is extremely high, especially when I can go out to my local CVS and get more polish for cheaper.” The Perfect Pearly Polish, a white color, and Pearly Tops Polish, a top coat, are being sold in thirteen milliliter bottles for twenty dollars each. Styles is also offering a polish bundle that includes these two shades as well as Inky Pearl, a black shade, and Granny’s Pink Pearls, a pink shade. The polish bundle contains four, thirteen milliliter bottles for sixty five dollars. The polishes will, however, come with a set of alphabetic decals, which allow for words to be printed on the nails for design. 

“It’s starting with nail polish because that was kind of the birth of what it was for. Me seeing a color on a flower or wallpaper or something and thinking, ‘Oh, I wanna put that on my nails.’ It was a fun little project, but during the pandemic, and when we eventually named it Pleasing, it felt like it was so much more than polish,” Styles told Dazed Magazine. The line also consists of The Pleasing Pen, a two sided pen consisting of a cooling eye gel and a soothing lip treatment, and The Pearlescent Illuminating Serum, a skin moisturizer. 

The verified Pleasing Tik Tok account posted a video with black and white visuals of waves crashing and Styles speaking in a voiceover. Styles says, “We’re a life brand that moves to wherever there’s something pleasing to be found. Our mission is to bring joyful experiences and products that excite the senses and blow the boundaries. We’re pleasing, never perfect. Though we prioritize people and the planet, we know we can always do better and strive to do so everyday. We celebrate the kindness and optimism in our community and the future we’re all creating together.” 

Siccardi reports, “I don’t think the brand is necessary for Harry’s success, because he is already successful. However, I think it’s great that he is selling nail polish because he has been working to break gender stereotypes and this is another step in the right direction. I don’t agree with the price, but I still plan to buy the products to support Harry.” 

“I’ve always found that the moments in my life which have brought me the most joy are the small ones, whether it be, you know, the end of the night under the stars or a bite of food, or sitting with your friends thinking, ‘Oh, I’m never gonna forget this.’ It’s always those moments that I find have the longest-lasting effect on me, in terms of sparking something wonderful in me. I really think that the essence of Pleasing is finding those little moments of joy and showing them to people,” Styles told Dazed.