On Friday, October 23, Westwood had its first in-school pep rally of the year. The pep rally recognized all fall sports and activities: football, cheerleading, boys and girls soccer, girls tennis, marching band, color guard, cross country, volleyball, field hockey, and the fall play.
The captains, presidents and/or drum majors from each team and activity came up to the microphone and announced the seniors that participate. They also announced dates that coincide with upcoming games competitions and performances if their seasons hadn’t already ended.
Another purpose of the pep rally is to create school spirit throughout the grades. The performances by the JV cheerleaders, the varsity cheerleaders, the marching band and the color guard put this in effect.
This pep rally also marked the beginning of “the battle of the classes” where each grade competes against each other for the Cardinal Cup. The competitions that took place included a game of four corners, a human pyramid and a scavenger hunt.
The freshmen surprised everyone with a solid human pyramid that stood up the longest among each grade, winning that event while the seniors took second place. The seniors then proved themselves when Jake Dicuffa, Senior Class Secretary, won the game of four corners.
The seniors also took another victory when Liz Farrell, senior class advisor and scavenger hunt representative, successfully ran the items to the middle of the gym during this fast-paced event. Some scavenger hunt items included a Mets hat, an “A” paper, and a non-digital picture of a cat.
The continuation of the Battle of the classes is the week of November 16 and the night time pep rally will be on November 18.